Public offer contract

1. Basic concepts

Public offer (hereinafter “Offer”) – a public offer of the Seller, addressed to the public to conclude sales agreement with the Seller remotely (hereinafter “Agreement”) on the terms contained in this Offer.

Site Visitor - a person who has visited the website without the purpose of placing the Order.

User – an individual, a visitor of a website, who accepts terms of agreement and wants to place an order at website

Buyer – user, who has placed an order at website with an aim of purchasing goods for personal needs.

Seller – Sole Proprietor DILAY ROMAN BOGDANOVYCH, TIN 3494606025, registration address: 79010, Lviv region, Lviv city, LYCHAKIVSKA STREET, building 64, apartment 9., whose product is placed in the online store.

Online-store – an Internet site located on the Internet at which represents Goods offered by the Seller for purchasing, along with terms of payment and delivery of Goods to Buyers.

Website – Seller’s page is a website page that contains information on the terms of sales, delivery, and return of Goods sold by the Sellers, and also another information which is essential for concluding and execution of the Sales agreement. The Seller’s page is available at link placed on the page with the description of Goods.

Goods - shoes, clothes, accessories, and other goods presented at Seller’s website for purchasing.

Order – a duly executed request of the Buyer for purchasing and delivery of goods selected at the website to the address indicated by the Buyer.

2. General Terms

2.1. The Seller sells the goods through the online store at:

2.2. By ordering Goods through online-store, the User agrees with the Terms of Selling Goods, set out below (hereinafter “ The terms of Selling Goods”), and about Goods sold by Sole Proprietor DILAY ROMAN BOGDANOVYCH, but other legal entities and/or individual entrepreneurs, also with Terms of Selling and Delivery, placed at pages of respected Sellers, which contain information on selling and delivery conditions of Goods by such legal entities/ individual entrepreneurs. In case of disagreement, the User is obliged to stop using the services immediately and leave the website

2.3. These Terms of Selling Goods along with the information about goods presented at a website is a public offer according to Article 633 of Civil Code of Ukraine.

2.4. These conditions may be changed by the Seller unilaterally without notifying the User/ Buyer. The new version of the Terms shall enter into effect upon its publication at the website, unless otherwise provided.

2.5. The Agreement ( hereinafter – the Agreement) enters into effect from the moment of sending electronic confirmation of Order Acceptance to a Buyer by a Seller without authorization at a website.

2.6. The contract of retail sale of the Goods is considered concluded from the moment of delivery of the cash check or commodity check, or any other document, confirming the payment of the Goods by the Seller to the Buyer.

2.7. By notifying the Seller of his email and phone number, the Visitor/ User/ Buyer gives the permission for using the mentioned means of communication by the Seller, and also by the third parties who are involved for fulfilling obligations to Visitors/ Users/ Buyers, with the purpose of advertising and mailing out, containing information about discounts, future and current promotions and other activities of the Seller, about transferring of the order, and also other information directly related to the fulfillment of obligations by the Buyer under Public Offer. By placing the Order, the User/ Buyer agrees that the Seller may entrust the performance of the Agreement to a third party, but remains responsible for its implementation.

2.8. All rights and obligations under the Agreement arise directly from the Seller, and the Buyer by accepting this Agreement, fully understands and agrees that in case of concluding an Agreement with the Seller, other than Sole Proprietor DILAY ROMAN BOGDANOVYCH, the Sole Proprietor DILAY ROMAN BOGDANOVYCH is not a party of the aforementioned agreement and shall not bear any obligations related to its performance, except for those provided in this Public Offer.

2.9. As part of the Order, Sole Proprietor DILAY ROMAN BOGDANOVYCH provides the User with information support of the Agreement concluded by the User with the Seller.

3. The scope of the Contract

3.1. The Seller is obliged to transfer ownership of the Goods to the Buyer, and the Buyer is obliged to pay and accept the Goods on the terms of this Agreement.

3.2. The date of concluding the Offer and the moment of full and unconditional acceptance by the Buyer is considered a date of filling in the Buyer’s order form located at the website of the Internet store on condition of receiving the electronic order confirmation from the Seller to the Buyer. If necessary, at the Buyer’s request, the Agreement may be provided in a written form.

Registration at the website

Registration at the website is carried out using the registration page at

The registration at the website is not obligatory for ordering.

The Seller is not responsible for the accuracy and correctness of the information provided by the User during registration.

The User is obliged not to inform login and password information to third parties indicated by the User during registration process. In case the User suspects the security of his login and password information, or the possibility of their unauthorized use by the third parties, the User is obliged to notify the Seller immediately by sending an email to [email protected]a.

4. Communication of the User/ Buyer with call Center operators/ managers and other representatives of the Seller should be based on the principles of common morality and communication etiquette. It is strictly forbidden to use obscene words, swear words, abusive expressions, as well as threats and blackmailing regardless the form they have been addressed.

5. Ordering procedure

5.1. The Buyer places an Order at the website independently by adding the selected goods to the virtual basket “Cart” and by clicking the button “Place an Order”.

5.2. All Buyers can place an Order regardless of registration. Orders are processed and delivered in Ukraine after payment, or in case of sending cash on delivery to the Nova Poshta branch.

5.3. Payment is made via: online bank payment card Visa/MasterCard, online via internet banking Privat24, paying in cash in Privat bank terminals. Payment in cash or cash on delivery is available at Nova Poshta branches. Payment is made in the international currency of Ukraine – hryvnias.

6. Price and Delivery of Goods

6.1. Prices for Goods and Services are determined by the Seller independently and are indicated at the website of online store. All prices for goods and services are listed at the website in UAH, including VAT.

6.2. Prices for Goods and Services may be changed by the Seller unilaterally depending on market conditions. In this case, the value of a single unit of the Goods paid by the Buyer in full amount may not be changed by the Seller unilaterally.

6.3. The cost of the Goods which is indicated at the website of online store does not include the cost of delivery of the Goods to the Buyer. The cost of delivery is paid by the Buyer in accordance with the applicable rate of delivery services (carriers) directly to his chosen delivery services.

6.4. The cost of the Goods indicated at the website of the online store does not include the cost of the Goods delivery to the Buyer’s address.

6.5. The Seller may indicate the approximate cost of delivery of the Goods to the address of the Buyer when the Buyer addresses a request to the Seller by sending an email or when placing an order with the help of Service center operator.

6.6. Liabilities fee for the payment is considered executed from the date of receipt.

6.7. Payments between the Seller and the Buyer for the Goods are made in the ways specified at the website of the online store in the section “Payment and Delivery”.

6.8. Upon receiving the Goods, the Buyer must check the compliance of the Goods with qualitative and quantitative characteristics (name of the goods, quantity, completeness, expiration date ) in the presence of delivery center representative ( the carrier).

6.9. The Buyer, or his representative confirms with his signature in the receipt/ and or in the order/ or in the transport consignment note for goods delivery that he has no claims regarding quantity, appearance, and completeness of goods.

6.10. Ownership and the risk of accidental loss or damage of the Goods passes to the Buyer or his representative from the moment of getting the Goods at the place of delivery upon independent delivery of the Goods from the Seller, or during transferring the delivery of goods to the carrier chosen by the Buyer.

7. Rights and duties

7.1. The seller must:

7.1.1. Transfer the goods to the Buyer in accordance with the terms of this Agreement and the Buyer’s order.

7.1.2. Not disclose any private information about the Buyer and not provide access to this information to third parties, except as provided by law and during the execution of the Buyer’s order.

7.2. The Seller has the right to:

7.2.1. Change the terms of this Agreement, as well as prices for goods and services, unilaterally, placing them at the website of online store. All changes enter into effect from the moment of their publication.

7.3. The Buyer must:

7.3.1. Read the content of the Agreement, the terms of the Agreement, and the prices offered by the Seller at the website of the online store before concluding the Agreement.

7.3.2. In order for the Seller to fulfill its obligations before the Buyer, the latter must provide all necessary information that uniquely identifies him as the buyer and is sufficient for delivery of the ordered goods to the Buyer.

8. Return Of Goods

8.1. The Buyer has the right to return non-food goods of proper quality to the Seller, if the Goods did not satisfy him in a shape, size, style, colour, or cannot be used by for its intended purpose. The Buyer has a right to return goods of proper quality during 14(fourteen) days, not including the date of purchasing. Return of goods of proper quality is made in case it has not been used and if its product appearance, consumer properties, packaging, seals, labels, as well as payment document issues to the Buyer for payment of the Goods.

8.2. Reimbursement of the value of goods of proper quality is made within 30 (thirty) days from the date of getting the Goods by the Seller according to the current legislation of Ukraine.

8.3. The cost of the goods is refundable via bank transfer to the Buyer’s account.

8.4. Returning of goods of proper quality to the Buyer’s address is carried out at the expense of the Buyer and the Seller does not reimburse the additional costs such bank fee, Nova Poshta fee.

8.5. In case of detecting defects within the established warranty period, the Buyer on his own, in the manner and within the time limits, established by the legislation of Ukraine has right to present the requirements by “ Consumer Protection Law” . When submitting claims for free elimination of defects, the deadline for its elimination is deducted from receiving date by the Seller at his disposal and physical access to it.

8.6. Consideration of the requirements provided by legislation of Ukraine “Consumer Protection Law” is carried out by the Seller if the Buyer has provided the documents in respect to current legislation of Ukraine. The Seller is not responsible for defects of the Goods that arose after its transfer to the Buyer as a result of rules violation of use or storage by the Buyer, actions by third parties, or force majeure.

8.7. The Buyer has no right to refuse of the proper quality goods which has individually defined properties, if the specified goods can be used only by the Buyer who has purchased it (including at the request of the Buyer nonstandard sizes, characteristics, appearance, complete set and others.) The confirmation of the fact that the product has individually defined properties is the difference between the size of the product and other characteristics specified in the online store.

8.8. Returning of goods in cases supported by law is carried out at the address of dispatch specified in TTN.

9. Responsibility

9.1. The Seller is not responsible for damage caused to the Buyer as a result of improper using of the Goods purchased in the online store.

9.2. The Seller is not responsible for the content and operation of external sites.

9.3. ED Cosmetics is not responsible for the quality of the Goods sold by other sellers, as well as the fulfillment of their obligations regarding transferring the goods to the Buyer, for their completeness and quantity in respect to executed by the Buyer. The Buyer agrees that any claims regarding the quality, quantity and configuration of the Goods, as well as terms of delivery of the Goods must be sent to the Seller whose Goods were ordered in the online store. At the same time, ED Cosmetics undertakes to assist Buyers in resolving their claims by providing all available information in ED Cosmetics regarding information on the procedure, sales conditions and returning of goods, location of relevant sellers, and also in order to resolve such claims which is at disposal of ED Cosmetics and is not confidential by law or contract.

10. Confidentiality and protection of personal data

10.1 Personal data of the User/ Buyer is processed in accordance with the Law of Ukraine from 1st of June, 2010 №2297-VI “Personal Data Protection”.

10.2. Personal Data is collected solely for the purpose of complying for the purpose of complying with the requirements applicable to the regulations of tax relations, relations in the field of accounting and relations in the field of advertising. The term for storage and processing of personal data is 5 years.

10.3. When registering on the site, the User provides the following information: email address and password to access the Site.

10.4. The User agrees to processing of personal data by the seller when registering at the website, including for the purpose of promoting the Goods and services by the Seller.

10.5. The Seller uses the personal data of the User/ Buyer:

- to register the User on the Site;

- to fulfill its obligations to the User/Buyer;

– for evaluation and analysis of the Site;

- to determine the winer in the shares held by the Seller.

10.6. The Seller has the right to send information including advertising messages to the email and phone number of the User/ Buyer with his consent. The User/ Buyer has a right to refusing receiving advertising and other information without explaining the reason for refusal. Service messages informing the User/ Buyer about the order and the stages of its processing are sent automatically abd cannot be rejected by the User/ Buyer. This is at the expense of the mailing list, if the email is provided to receive the mailing list, he agrees to receive offers, otherwise.

10.7. The Seller undertakes not to disclose the information received from the Buyer. It is not considered to be a violation to provide information by the Seller to contractors and third parties, acting on the basis of an agreement with the Seller, including to fulfill obligations to the Buyer, as well as in cases where disclosure of such information is required by current legislation of Ukraine.

11. Public Proposal Validity

11.1. The valid public offers come into force from the moment of its acceptance by the Site Visitor/ Buyer, and its validity until the moment when the Public offer is accepted.

12. Other conditions

12.1. This agreement is concluded on the territory of Ukraine, and it operates in accordance with the current legislation of Ukraine.

12.2. All disputes between the Buyer and the Seller are resolved through negotiations. In case of failure to resolve the dispute through negotiations, the Buyer/ or the Seller have the right to apply to the courts for resolution in accordance with the current legislation of Ukraine.

12.3. The Seller has the right to make changes to this Agreement unilateraly in accordance with paragraph 7.2.1. Agreement. In addition, amendments to the Agreement may also be made by mutual consent of the Parties in the manner prescribed by current legislation of Ukraine.


SOLE PROPIETOR: DILAY ROMAN BOGDANOVYCH, TIN 3494606025, registration address: 79010, Lviv region, Lviv city, LYCHAKIVSKA STREET, building 64, apartment 9.


Current account No. UA673052990000026007031038081

Contact number

ph.: +380675286139

E-mail: [email protected]

Public offer contract

1. Basic concepts

Public offer (hereinafter “Offer”) – a public offer of the Seller, addressed to the public to conclude sales agreement with the Seller remotely (hereinafter “Agreement”) on the terms contained in this Offer.

Site Visitor - a person who has visited the website without the purpose of placing the Order.

User – an individual, a visitor of a website, who accepts terms of agreement and wants to place an order at website

Buyer – user, who has placed an order at website with an aim of purchasing goods for personal needs.

Seller – Sole Proprietor DILAY ROMAN BOGDANOVYCH, TIN 3494606025, registration address: 79010, Lviv region, Lviv city, LYCHAKIVSKA STREET, building 64, apartment 9., whose product is placed in the online store.

Online-store – an Internet site located on the Internet at which represents Goods offered by the Seller for purchasing, along with terms of payment and delivery of Goods to Buyers.

Website – Seller’s page is a website page that contains information on the terms of sales, delivery, and return of Goods sold by the Sellers, and also another information which is essential for concluding and execution of the Sales agreement. The Seller’s page is available at link placed on the page with the description of Goods.

Goods - shoes, clothes, accessories, and other goods presented at Seller’s website for purchasing.

Order – a duly executed request of the Buyer for purchasing and delivery of goods selected at the website to the address indicated by the Buyer.

2. General Terms

2.1. The Seller sells the goods through the online store at:

2.2. By ordering Goods through online-store, the User agrees with the Terms of Selling Goods, set out below (hereinafter “ The terms of Selling Goods”), and about Goods sold by Sole Proprietor DILAY ROMAN BOGDANOVYCH, but other legal entities and/or individual entrepreneurs, also with Terms of Selling and Delivery, placed at pages of respected Sellers, which contain information on selling and delivery conditions of Goods by such legal entities/ individual entrepreneurs. In case of disagreement, the User is obliged to stop using the services immediately and leave the website

2.3. These Terms of Selling Goods along with the information about goods presented at a website is a public offer according to Article 633 of Civil Code of Ukraine.

2.4. These conditions may be changed by the Seller unilaterally without notifying the User/ Buyer. The new version of the Terms shall enter into effect upon its publication at the website, unless otherwise provided.

2.5. The Agreement ( hereinafter – the Agreement) enters into effect from the moment of sending electronic confirmation of Order Acceptance to a Buyer by a Seller without authorization at a website.

2.6. The contract of retail sale of the Goods is considered concluded from the moment of delivery of the cash check or commodity check, or any other document, confirming the payment of the Goods by the Seller to the Buyer.

2.7. By notifying the Seller of his email and phone number, the Visitor/ User/ Buyer gives the permission for using the mentioned means of communication by the Seller, and also by the third parties who are involved for fulfilling obligations to Visitors/ Users/ Buyers, with the purpose of advertising and mailing out, containing information about discounts, future and current promotions and other activities of the Seller, about transferring of the order, and also other information directly related to the fulfillment of obligations by the Buyer under Public Offer. By placing the Order, the User/ Buyer agrees that the Seller may entrust the performance of the Agreement to a third party, but remains responsible for its implementation.

2.8. All rights and obligations under the Agreement arise directly from the Seller, and the Buyer by accepting this Agreement, fully understands and agrees that in case of concluding an Agreement with the Seller, other than Sole Proprietor DILAY ROMAN BOGDANOVYCH, the Sole Proprietor DILAY ROMAN BOGDANOVYCH is not a party of the aforementioned agreement and shall not bear any obligations related to its performance, except for those provided in this Public Offer.

2.9. As part of the Order, Sole Proprietor DILAY ROMAN BOGDANOVYCH provides the User with information support of the Agreement concluded by the User with the Seller.

3. The scope of the Contract

3.1. The Seller is obliged to transfer ownership of the Goods to the Buyer, and the Buyer is obliged to pay and accept the Goods on the terms of this Agreement.

3.2. The date of concluding the Offer and the moment of full and unconditional acceptance by the Buyer is considered a date of filling in the Buyer’s order form located at the website of the Internet store on condition of receiving the electronic order confirmation from the Seller to the Buyer. If necessary, at the Buyer’s request, the Agreement may be provided in a written form.

Registration at the website

Registration at the website is carried out using the registration page at

The registration at the website is not obligatory for ordering.

The Seller is not responsible for the accuracy and correctness of the information provided by the User during registration.

The User is obliged not to inform login and password information to third parties indicated by the User during registration process. In case the User suspects the security of his login and password information, or the possibility of their unauthorized use by the third parties, the User is obliged to notify the Seller immediately by sending an email to [email protected]a.

4. Communication of the User/ Buyer with call Center operators/ managers and other representatives of the Seller should be based on the principles of common morality and communication etiquette. It is strictly forbidden to use obscene words, swear words, abusive expressions, as well as threats and blackmailing regardless the form they have been addressed.

5. Ordering procedure

5.1. The Buyer places an Order at the website independently by adding the selected goods to the virtual basket “Cart” and by clicking the button “Place an Order”.

5.2. All Buyers can place an Order regardless of registration. Orders are processed and delivered in Ukraine after payment, or in case of sending cash on delivery to the Nova Poshta branch.

5.3. Payment is made via: online bank payment card Visa/MasterCard, online via internet banking Privat24, paying in cash in Privat bank terminals. Payment in cash or cash on delivery is available at Nova Poshta branches. Payment is made in the international currency of Ukraine – hryvnias.

6. Price and Delivery of Goods

6.1. Prices for Goods and Services are determined by the Seller independently and are indicated at the website of online store. All prices for goods and services are listed at the website in UAH, including VAT.

6.2. Prices for Goods and Services may be changed by the Seller unilaterally depending on market conditions. In this case, the value of a single unit of the Goods paid by the Buyer in full amount may not be changed by the Seller unilaterally.

6.3. The cost of the Goods which is indicated at the website of online store does not include the cost of delivery of the Goods to the Buyer. The cost of delivery is paid by the Buyer in accordance with the applicable rate of delivery services (carriers) directly to his chosen delivery services.

6.4. The cost of the Goods indicated at the website of the online store does not include the cost of the Goods delivery to the Buyer’s address.

6.5. The Seller may indicate the approximate cost of delivery of the Goods to the address of the Buyer when the Buyer addresses a request to the Seller by sending an email or when placing an order with the help of Service center operator.

6.6. Liabilities fee for the payment is considered executed from the date of receipt.

6.7. Payments between the Seller and the Buyer for the Goods are made in the ways specified at the website of the online store in the section “Payment and Delivery”.

6.8. Upon receiving the Goods, the Buyer must check the compliance of the Goods with qualitative and quantitative characteristics (name of the goods, quantity, completeness, expiration date ) in the presence of delivery center representative ( the carrier).

6.9. The Buyer, or his representative confirms with his signature in the receipt/ and or in the order/ or in the transport consignment note for goods delivery that he has no claims regarding quantity, appearance, and completeness of goods.

6.10. Ownership and the risk of accidental loss or damage of the Goods passes to the Buyer or his representative from the moment of getting the Goods at the place of delivery upon independent delivery of the Goods from the Seller, or during transferring the delivery of goods to the carrier chosen by the Buyer.

7. Rights and duties

7.1. The seller must:

7.1.1. Transfer the goods to the Buyer in accordance with the terms of this Agreement and the Buyer’s order.

7.1.2. Not disclose any private information about the Buyer and not provide access to this information to third parties, except as provided by law and during the execution of the Buyer’s order.

7.2. The Seller has the right to:

7.2.1. Change the terms of this Agreement, as well as prices for goods and services, unilaterally, placing them at the website of online store. All changes enter into effect from the moment of their publication.

7.3. The Buyer must:

7.3.1. Read the content of the Agreement, the terms of the Agreement, and the prices offered by the Seller at the website of the online store before concluding the Agreement.

7.3.2. In order for the Seller to fulfill its obligations before the Buyer, the latter must provide all necessary information that uniquely identifies him as the buyer and is sufficient for delivery of the ordered goods to the Buyer.

8. Return Of Goods

8.1. The Buyer has the right to return non-food goods of proper quality to the Seller, if the Goods did not satisfy him in a shape, size, style, colour, or cannot be used by for its intended purpose. The Buyer has a right to return goods of proper quality during 14(fourteen) days, not including the date of purchasing. Return of goods of proper quality is made in case it has not been used and if its product appearance, consumer properties, packaging, seals, labels, as well as payment document issues to the Buyer for payment of the Goods.

8.2. Reimbursement of the value of goods of proper quality is made within 30 (thirty) days from the date of getting the Goods by the Seller according to the current legislation of Ukraine.

8.3. The cost of the goods is refundable via bank transfer to the Buyer’s account.

8.4. Returning of goods of proper quality to the Buyer’s address is carried out at the expense of the Buyer and the Seller does not reimburse the additional costs such bank fee, Nova Poshta fee.

8.5. In case of detecting defects within the established warranty period, the Buyer on his own, in the manner and within the time limits, established by the legislation of Ukraine has right to present the requirements by “ Consumer Protection Law” . When submitting claims for free elimination of defects, the deadline for its elimination is deducted from receiving date by the Seller at his disposal and physical access to it.

8.6. Consideration of the requirements provided by legislation of Ukraine “Consumer Protection Law” is carried out by the Seller if the Buyer has provided the documents in respect to current legislation of Ukraine. The Seller is not responsible for defects of the Goods that arose after its transfer to the Buyer as a result of rules violation of use or storage by the Buyer, actions by third parties, or force majeure.

8.7. The Buyer has no right to refuse of the proper quality goods which has individually defined properties, if the specified goods can be used only by the Buyer who has purchased it (including at the request of the Buyer nonstandard sizes, characteristics, appearance, complete set and others.) The confirmation of the fact that the product has individually defined properties is the difference between the size of the product and other characteristics specified in the online store.

8.8. Returning of goods in cases supported by law is carried out at the address of dispatch specified in TTN.

9. Responsibility

9.1. The Seller is not responsible for damage caused to the Buyer as a result of improper using of the Goods purchased in the online store.

9.2. The Seller is not responsible for the content and operation of external sites.

9.3. ED Cosmetics is not responsible for the quality of the Goods sold by other sellers, as well as the fulfillment of their obligations regarding transferring the goods to the Buyer, for their completeness and quantity in respect to executed by the Buyer. The Buyer agrees that any claims regarding the quality, quantity and configuration of the Goods, as well as terms of delivery of the Goods must be sent to the Seller whose Goods were ordered in the online store. At the same time, ED Cosmetics undertakes to assist Buyers in resolving their claims by providing all available information in ED Cosmetics regarding information on the procedure, sales conditions and returning of goods, location of relevant sellers, and also in order to resolve such claims which is at disposal of ED Cosmetics and is not confidential by law or contract.

10. Confidentiality and protection of personal data

10.1 Personal data of the User/ Buyer is processed in accordance with the Law of Ukraine from 1st of June, 2010 №2297-VI “Personal Data Protection”.

10.2. Personal Data is collected solely for the purpose of complying for the purpose of complying with the requirements applicable to the regulations of tax relations, relations in the field of accounting and relations in the field of advertising. The term for storage and processing of personal data is 5 years.

10.3. When registering on the site, the User provides the following information: email address and password to access the Site.

10.4. The User agrees to processing of personal data by the seller when registering at the website, including for the purpose of promoting the Goods and services by the Seller.

10.5. The Seller uses the personal data of the User/ Buyer:

- to register the User on the Site;

- to fulfill its obligations to the User/Buyer;

– for evaluation and analysis of the Site;

- to determine the winer in the shares held by the Seller.

10.6. The Seller has the right to send information including advertising messages to the email and phone number of the User/ Buyer with his consent. The User/ Buyer has a right to refusing receiving advertising and other information without explaining the reason for refusal. Service messages informing the User/ Buyer about the order and the stages of its processing are sent automatically abd cannot be rejected by the User/ Buyer. This is at the expense of the mailing list, if the email is provided to receive the mailing list, he agrees to receive offers, otherwise.

10.7. The Seller undertakes not to disclose the information received from the Buyer. It is not considered to be a violation to provide information by the Seller to contractors and third parties, acting on the basis of an agreement with the Seller, including to fulfill obligations to the Buyer, as well as in cases where disclosure of such information is required by current legislation of Ukraine.

11. Public Proposal Validity

11.1. The valid public offers come into force from the moment of its acceptance by the Site Visitor/ Buyer, and its validity until the moment when the Public offer is accepted.

12. Other conditions

12.1. This agreement is concluded on the territory of Ukraine, and it operates in accordance with the current legislation of Ukraine.

12.2. All disputes between the Buyer and the Seller are resolved through negotiations. In case of failure to resolve the dispute through negotiations, the Buyer/ or the Seller have the right to apply to the courts for resolution in accordance with the current legislation of Ukraine.

12.3. The Seller has the right to make changes to this Agreement unilateraly in accordance with paragraph 7.2.1. Agreement. In addition, amendments to the Agreement may also be made by mutual consent of the Parties in the manner prescribed by current legislation of Ukraine.


SOLE PROPIETOR: DILAY ROMAN BOGDANOVYCH, TIN 3494606025, registration address: 79010, Lviv region, Lviv city, LYCHAKIVSKA STREET, building 64, apartment 9.


Current account No. UA673052990000026007031038081

Contact number

ph.: +380675286139

E-mail: [email protected]
